

Voting Records of Greenlandic and Faroese MPs in Folketinget

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There are 179 MPs in Folketinget, the parliament of Denmark. But only 175 of them are elected in Denmark proper, while the remaining four seats are guaranteed for the so-called North Atlantic MPs from Greenland and the Faroe Islands, which both are autonomous members of the Danish Realm today after being under Danish colonial rule for centuries.


nordatlantisk-ft is compiled from data available on Folketingets Open Data platform1 and comprises voting records of Northatlantic MPs. As per January 12, 2024, this includes records of 9469 ballots in Folketinget. See /docs/ for details and refer to Berntzen et al. 20192 for background information on Folketingets open data ecosystem.


This dataset contains votes cast by Greenlandic and Faroese MPs since 2004. There have been twenty individual politicians from Greenland or the Faroe Islands who served as MPs in the time frame covered by Folketinget’s Open Data Platform. Twelve of them have been elected in Greenland and eight in the Faroe Islands.

Surname(s) First name(s) MP ID Origin Party
Olsvig Sara 13 GL IA
Lund Olsen Johan 277 GL IA
Jakobsen Doris 294 GL SIU
Johansen Lars-Emil 670 GL SIU
Kleist Kuupik 672 GL IA
Rossen Sofia 1484 GL IA
Henningsen Heilmann Juliane 6689 GL IA
Nielsen Nick 14000 GL SIU et al.
Chemnitz Aaja 15757 GL IA
Hammond Aleqa 15758 GL SIU et al.
Høegh-Dam Aki-Matilda 18688 GL SIU
Olsen Markus E. 20635 GL SIU
Joensen Edmund 247 FO B
Arge Magni 15881 FO E
Hoydal Høgni 1833 FO E
Johannesen Axel 12283 FO C
Skaale Sjúrður 262 FO C
á Fríðriksmørk Annita 6684 FO E
Kallsberg Anfinn 3093 FO A
Falkenberg Anna 20349 FO B

Political Parties

Since 2004, Greenlandic MPs have belonged to two political parties while MPs from Faroe Islands were members of four different political parties. They are listed below with additional information on their positions from the ParlGov dataset3.

Party Full Name Party Family Origin Left-Right State-Market Liberty-Authority Anti-Pro EU
IA Inuit Ataqatigiit Communist/Socialist GL 1.3 1.4 3 3.3
SIU Siumut Social Democracy GL 3.3 3.5 3.5 8.1
A Fólkaflokkurin Conservative FO 7.4 6.4 6.9 7.9
B Sambandsflokkurin Conservative FO 7.4 6.4 6.9 7.9
C Javnaðarflokkurin Social Democracy FO 3.3 3.5 3.5 8.1
E Tjóðveldi Communist/Socialist FO 1.3 1.4 3 3.3

Sample Plots

The following sample plots were generated from ./analysis/example_plots.R using ggplot2 with the data available on January 12, 2024.

Votes Per MP

Votes Per MP Without Absences

Votes Per MP Over Time

Votes Per MP Over Time Without Absences


  1. Folketinget. 2024. “Folketingets Åbne Data.”

  2. Berntzen, Lasse, Marius Johannessen, Kim Andersen, and Jonathan Crusoe. 2019. “Parliamentary Open Data in Scandinavia.” Computers 8 (3): 65.

  3. Döring, Holger, Constantin Huber, and Philip Manow. 2022. “ParlGov 2022 Release.” Harvard Dataverse.